Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Adeus Chicote, Pantera e Caramel

After our fun day at the beach, it was time to say goodbye to our friends Chicote, Pantera and Caramel. After having stayed for a month in India, devoting themselves to this project, they bade farewell and flew back to France. They would keep in touch with us and the project from there, through telephone and email. It was not easy for them to say goodbye to the children; heck, it was even more difficult for us to say goodbye to them.

So until another instructor flew down (once every three months), it was upto the core Indian team - Chico, Diamante, Mandingueira and Espaguete (with help from Sucure) - to keep the spirit of the children alive, with classes three times a week.

While we knew we had big shoes to fill in to, given that the bond between Chicote, Pantera, Caramel and the children was strong, we were excited and hoping to create our own special bond with them. Some had already formed over the beach trip, and some grew with time.

Chico took over the main instructing while the others aided him through the class. In the beginning, order was difficult to maintain, as was the attention span of the children. But soon enough, we developed a comfortable rapport with the children and gained their trust.

Feedback by Chico about our first week:
Update on the class today:
* Fewer children in class (about 20). Seema had not notified the teachers about the 4-6 pm timing and hence the teachers had let them leave. Explained the timings clearly to the children at the end of class.
* Overall an ordered class. 
* Seem to lose control when they are not doing anything such as sitting and observing other people play in the roda or on one side. Followed advice and did not start till everyone had quieted down and talked to them. It worked. But at times they got distracted and started getting out of control again. Also, explained that there was no finger pointing in class. If people are making mischief, responsibility is on everyone. We all pay with our time. Gafanhoto, Cantor and Pimenta helped manage the others. :D
* Going to use these kids to manage the class. Have a separate word with them to see what they feel and what can be done in class.
* Some children were little bit more mischievous. Going to keep them busy. will use them for demonstrations and to help others because they are good - they just get distracted easily such as jiboia
* Added music lesson at the end - seemed a hit. Going to continue on this.
* Since there were fewer children, we added animal walk, which they enjoyed
* Additional learnings - letting them play partner-partner is better than playing with us. May be we will play with all of them once two weeks or so.
* Need to add laughter in the routine :D

Update by Chico later in the week:

Great class today. Beautiful teamwork between Diamante, Nileema and me. The children trust us more. They accepted our presence. Almost no issues today. and almost full attendance - gafanhoto and 4 students didn't come. 4 students have to study for their scholarship - this includes supriya and usma. Supriya sneaked into the class anyway and hid away from Seema.

Introduced a new concept of using animal walks with drawings. One kid would draw an animal and the others would do the animal walk. Great drawings by the kids. But the concept did not work as well. Takes too much time for the drawing.

Asked the kids do a solo performance mixing Capoeira, Afro dance and any Bollywood. It was amazing. The kids were wonderful mixing and showing all they could do best. Other kids were mostly sitting silently or laughing or helping each other - but no arguing or talking. Most of the guys focused on Capoeira with stunt moves like handstand and trying the handstand pumping. Some kids tried the headstand and turn on their heads (Medio, Cantor). The girls focused on Capoeira (esp what they were taught today) along with the sequences from the dances. Everybody enjoyed. Sonic was really good in Bollywood. Some kids were dancing to themselves when in the roda but did not show all the moves in the roda. I guess still not as comfortable in the roda.

Music lesson continued. Kids really love it. They remembered from yesterday and even as I was making the roda, they had started the body percussion.

Used a technique to control the kids from getting distracted. Used them in demos. Being next to me looking at the other kids changed them.

This month's capoeira goal is to have the kids do the ginga properly. I had introduced freezes in last class. And in today's class I pointed out correct way while Diamante and Mandigueira helped the kids. Didn't keep the freezes longer than 5-10 sec.

Some children have however gone back one step in their Au. Because we do it in pair, cannot pay specific attention to just one person.

Pimenta still getting teased a lot. She is still standing strong and not reacting. Diamante spoke to her separately.

Some kids wanted class everyday. Tulsi told them why we couldn't come and also that they could use the extra day to practice by themselves.

Lua offers to be Gata's partner for one of the paired sequences

Start the year at Aksa Beach

Already a month into classes with the children of Bainganwadi practically everyday, we organised a special treat for the little ones -- a picnic trip to Aksa Beach on January 1st, 2011 (New Year's Day)! The children had been informed a week before, and they all brought their consent forms signed by their parents. We arranged for food and beverages for the children - which the community members, along with Seema, took care of. We hired a bus that would be with us through the day - right from picking the children up to dropping them home.

The day finally arrived. Chicote, Pantera, Chico and Diamante went to pick the children up. They were already standing outside the Balwadi, beaming in eager anticipation. The boys had their stylish bands and shirts on, while the girls were dolled up in their best, all were ready for an unforgettable day with us. The bus ride was loud, excited, noisy. Some of the children had never seen the beach or the sea. So it was no surprise that when they all set foot on the beach, there was a momentary silence in which the gargantuan space was registered. Once the moment lapsed, so did the silence (and momentary awestruck stillness). We found a spot and settled there; and soon the children spread out and played games. It was treat for us to finally see the children run free and happy, especially the shy ones.

Pantera gets a makeover!
Khalida (teacher)


Seema ( Lok Seva Sangam)



Agogo and Gafanhoto


Chicote playing kabaddi with the kids

Faisca, Fumassa, Baqueta, Caramel and Pulguinha

Gunga and Cantor

Trasinha, Panterinha with Caramel and Piolho with Mandinguiera

Agogo and Pandeiro


Fumassa and Onca doing Afro Dance

Piolho and Chico strike a pose



Our first show on LSS Grounds!

Within 10 days of practice, the children were ready for their first show!!! A mix of capoeira, Afro-Brazilian and Indian dances and singing - the capoeira show was the highlight of the Lok Seva Sangam's Annual Show, this December. The team included Chicote, Pantera, Caramel, Estrella, Mandingueira, Chico, Diamante, Espaguete, Espirito, Paparazia and Malandro. We brought the children their very first set of capoeira clothes - track pants with green, yellow or orange shirts. They were thrilled and excitedly changed into them.

Pantera and Chico do a pandeiro showdown!

Girls v/s boys in the Afro Dance

Kids take turns to lead songs

The Team

Class begins at Balwadi

December 2010

With Mestre Chicote's arrival along with Pantera and Caramel, we had another demo in one of the corridors in Bainganwadi, a social hub for its inhabitants. Our performance was received so well that the list of aspiring students was bigger than the space we had for a class!

Anyhow, we began classes at LSS' very own Balwadi. It was already full of excited, bewildered, shy, apprehensive, curious children ranging from ages 4 to 14. Chicote led the way and the children, awestruck, followed eagerly. 

Our First Demo

October, 2010

We had our first demo during the local festival of Navratri, right after the evening arti (prayer ritual), amidst much excitement and a very huge crowd. Capoeiristas present included Chico, Espaguete, Sucure, Diamante, Mandingueira, Piolho and Capitao. We were cheered for like rockstars!!! CAti-Patang-POEIRA had arrived that night. Thanks to Estrella and Seema from Lok Seva Sangam (LSS)'s help, of course.

Below is Chico's rendition of the experience:

"We reached there - very dark - looked very different - but I felt strangely at home. Car owners were a little tense. The others looked relaxed as pigeons. Capitao was very curious and excited - "Is it really that bad..." about the things he had heard from us and around. As we parked, some kids walked up to us and started playing the instruments. That was it. The show had begun whether we were ready for it or not. We didn't have to worry about a thing from there. My apprehensions, if they were there at all, had completely vanished and was replaced by a perpetual smile. I was happy, felt at home. The two kids led us to the pandal - Saavan and Capitan. By now we had picked up an entire gang of kids following us - talking to each one of us. I teased Saavan by calling him 'Sabun' hee hee. He asked me where I had come from. I told I had come from another country called Brasil on the other side of the ocean. He said very innocently, "Ha pata he. Mere gaon ke baju mein he na". He held my hand and made me do aarti. Showed me how to do the tikas - the yellow powder and the red powder and then the black powder - good thing because I had no idea how. I put some on him as well. The sweet child. He stayed close to me the rest of the night.

As we arrived we were accosted by Sandeep - a very well-built Maharashtrian. He made us comfortable. We were helped by another LSS operative who asked us to park our cars closer. Piolho was hungry - Sucure is always hungry. They had an entire bag of chicken for Rs. 30. As we sat, the kids and people from around gathered around us. Most of them playing the instruments. They were really amazed when I started tying the berimbau and started playing it. The wonder in the eyes. Capitao and Sucure each had their fan clubs. They were talking, showing them how to snap fingers the Brasilian way, to clap to sing.

All this and the show hadn't even started. We waited for Ethel and started the show. We got the axe up - we sang, they clapped, the did cucurinha, au, front flip, macaco, falling down, getting up - and most of all smiled and smiled and smiled and laughed. Even the elders around started to get infected with the axe and couldn't stop from feeling the axe. They were not as forward and fearless as the kids though. Sabun and I did au together and handstand. He was a bit tense. It showed in his face. We started the solos. The axe was amazing - Neesha started the solos. She did really well. Sucure and Capitao did their rounds of back-flips and stunts. The bateria especially Diamante did a terrific job. Diamante kept the singing going - kept the axe up. People kept changing instruments. No one had to tell no one what to do. We just did it. Then we all got together. I asked them to come closer - my bad - kids were so excited they fell over each other and some of the bateria. But this was quickly rectified. I told them this was capoeira - the kids repeated after me - Ca-pu-e-ra. Then the last song - Adeus Adeus - every one sang - every one. And they waved their hands. ''yeeeh Capoeira yeeeh Capoeira yeeeh.'' Abooom! We were given roses as thanks. We were really touched. We continued singing - Joy from the community stood by me with the microphone. He was clearly high on axe. Not one kid left. They followed us to the car. Not because of who we are, but because of who they are. I will still remember Saavan's sad face as he watched us leave in the car.

It happened. The kids made it happen. We picked on their wave and gave ourselves into it. And the axe just kept going up and up, the more we shared. We were all so elated even after the show ended. We were completely blown away. Mandingueira who was a bit crabby earlier was "fresh as a daisy". Sucure had a dream in the following night about the kids and that he was back with them. Capitao made so many good friends - I thought he was exchanging numbers."